• 17 years ago
''Guns of Winter'' by David Hart
Now the powdered chimney's breath
Exhales canescent puffs
Cruel wiley winter blasts harsh
Pummelling all in it's icy sights
Houses grimace grotesquely and eaves groan moanfully
Donning a new set of crystalline teeth
Anon, shivering birds seem hesitant
Swathed in winter's slicing binds
Icily gothic chandelier trees
Their crackly boughs must cleave
Obedient to the will of winter's
The crucible cold holds all to
it's sniping tribulations
Pelican trucks gooble up white streets
People hug themselves more these days,
While crunchshuffling along, teeth blurred
clattering in a symphony of spasm grunting cars.
2002DavidHartUSA http://www.poetrypoem.com/hart