Iranian official denied visa for UN ambassadorship

  • 10 years ago
The man Iran has nominated for United Nations ambassador is not being allowed into the United States to start his job in New York.

The US is concerned about Hamid Abutalebi’s links to a 1979 US Embassy hostage crisis in Tehran and has refused a visa.

Abutalebi is suspected to have participated in a student group that seized the US embassy and held more than 50 Americans hostage for over a year.

During the week, both chambers unanimously passed a law denying him entry, along with anybody deemed to pose a threat to national security.

A spokesman for Iran’s mission to the United Nations said the White House decision was unfortunate and may violate international law.

“It is a regrettable decision by the US Administration which is in contravention of international law, the obligation of the host country and the inherent right of sovereign member states to designate their representatives to the United Nations,” spokesman Hamid Babaei said in a statement.

Jay Carney, White House Spokesman, said: “We certainly share the intent of the bill passed by Congress as we have told the UN and Iran. We will review the legalisation and we are doing that now…”

The decision came days after negotiators from Iran, the US and five other world powers met in Vienna for another round of nuclear talks.

The veteran diplomat said that he acted as an interpreter for the militants who held the hostages.