SHANY Cosmetics All In One Heart Makeup Gift Set - Great colors and the kit has several glosses!

  • 10 years ago
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Some makeup kits are heavy on the eye-shadow and have less of other products. This kit isn't that way, and it great for the gloss-lover. With 6 glosses in it, it's got one for ever season and outfit. The colors range from deep red to light pink, with even a peachy-orange color in the middle. Tucked in between all the glosses is a selection of brushes and even a mini mascara in black.

The second slide that is on top of the glosses is a palette of 4 blushes in pink, peach, a light rust color and a neutral tan color. Next to the blushes is a single pressed face powder in a light color with golden undertones. The top slide that sits over the blushes and powder is a palette of 17 eye-shadows. All are very wearable colors, and nothing that will make you look like a clown. Light blues, greens, neutral tans and browns and a single light pink and light orange color. There is also a charcoal color for making smoky eyes.