Police, students clash outside Cairo University's medical college

  • 10 years ago

Egyptian riot police used tear gas on Wednesday (April 9) to break up an anti-government demonstration by students outside Cairo University's medical college.

Several hundred students, many of whom are supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, gathered in front of the main gate of the Qasr Al-Ainy school of medicine in Cairo's Manyal neighbourhood chanting slogans against the military-backed interim government.

Riot police then arrived and broke up the protest, shooting tear gas at the protesters as they retreated into the university grounds.

Clashes between university students and police have been going on for several weeks and gained momentum following the announcement by former Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi that he would run for president.

Al-Sisi ousted Mursi, Egypt's first freely elected president, after mass protests against the Muslim Brotherhood-backed leader.

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