Warren Ellis en interview (VO) pour PlaneteBD.com

  • il y a 10 ans
Original link of the interview : http://www.planetebd.com/interview/warren-ellis/644.html

Original questions :

- Can you briefly introduce yourself ?

- Why did you start writing novels besides scripting comics?

- Was this some sort of challenge for you or were comics becoming boring ?

- What is the main difference between writing a comic-book and writing a novel?

- What do you think are each medium's own limitation?

- Gun Machine's just been published. Can you tell us what that novel is about, its story ?

- The discovery of hundreds of weapons inside the flat is incredible. How did you come up with that ?

- In France, we've discovered Mister Sun when it was released a few weeks ago. The character is a cold and meticulous killer. What were your references when you designed the character or, for example, when it came to describing how to get rid of a body?

- I know that internet is an another reference for the corpse's elimination...

- What is the main difference between writing a novel and an e-novel ?

- Your comics and novels meet success, are you proud ?

- What importance does music hold in your creative process?

- What would be novel's ideal soundtrack?

- Fabrice Gagos' question : Have you finally decided to start playing the violin?

- - in your novels and even before that, in Fell, one can feel you have a deep love for crime novels. Who and which are your favorite authors and novels?

- What do you think of the comics scene, today?

- What's do think of Transmetropolitan, today?

- Darrick Robertson said, during an interview on our website, that working with you had been one of his career's highlights, one of the most mind-opening experiences...

- During all my interviews, many artists, who have worked with you, said that they regrets to not have many contacts with you...

- Why don't you continue Fell or Desolation Jones ?

- On Black Summer, No Hero and SuperGod, you have explore the theme of super heroes like anyone else...

- Will you stay on Moon Knight a while?

- What are the specifics of your personal take on the character?

- Moon Knight, it's your choice or Marvel's choice ?

- You are a big fan of science-fiction. Which are your favorite autors ?

- What is the Warren Ellis' style ? Can you describe it ?

- If you have the power to visit the spirit of an artist to understand his art or his technics, which one and why ?

- Last words ?

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