Pussy Riot call for tougher sanctions against Putin's inner circle

  • 10 years ago
More than three months after they were freed from jail, Pussy Riot stepped up their campaign on Tuesday against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Two of the group’s founder members travelled to Brussels to debate recent developments in Russia and Ukraine with MEPs.

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova said Russia had become “an unstoppable aggressor.”

“Vladimir Putin also plans to rebuild the Iron Curtain,” she told euronews.

“This would allow him to commit absolutely anything that he wants in Russia.

“That’s why we are calling for addressed sanctions against corrupt officials and oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin. These sanctions should be against specific people but not against Russians as a whole.”

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina said after their release on December 23rd that they would continue to protesting against human rights abuses in Russia.

They were first jailed in August 2012 after performing a protest song in Moscow’s main cathedral.
