• 11 years ago
GTA V with Gnarly's Channel and ChickenDoodleSauce
Subscribe to Gnarly for classic video games like sonic and mario https://www.youtube.com/user/GnarlysChannel
ChickenDoodleSauce subscribe for drama https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn9HduBAxlhzw1mFRZrSFAw
To add this track to your GTAV online go to the Rockstar games social club website by clicking the following link, scroll down then click add to game this race is only for ps3 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/OL3TEU5BTkKZ2hlDDwmA-A?platformId=2
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Intro/outro music by the band Sabaton song title "the art of war"

Royalty Free Music by
Sound Effects by

