l'abbaye cistercienne de Silvacane construite dès le 12ème siècle s'impose majestueusement face aux contreforts du Lubéron. D'expression essentiellement romane, la pureté des lignes, l'équilibre des volumes et des proportions en font un lieu de sérénité et de lumière.
This cistercian abbey, founded in the C12th rises majestically opposite the foothills of the Luberon. Built in the Romanesque style, it is a luminous haven of light and serenity. All year round you can see comtemporary art exhibitions and attend concerts.
prises de vues : Panasonic Lumix
montage : Pinnacle version 14 ultimate
musique : lacrymosa aeterna industry
This cistercian abbey, founded in the C12th rises majestically opposite the foothills of the Luberon. Built in the Romanesque style, it is a luminous haven of light and serenity. All year round you can see comtemporary art exhibitions and attend concerts.
prises de vues : Panasonic Lumix
montage : Pinnacle version 14 ultimate
musique : lacrymosa aeterna industry