Pakistan National Day Reception at Ankara Turkey

  • 10 years ago
ANKARA: 25 March 2014: To commemorate “Pakistan National Day,” the Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey H.E. Mr. Muhammad Haroon Shaukat hosted a reception on Monday evening. Turkish political and military leadership, parliamentarians, notables, media representatives, Pakistan community and diplomats based in Turkey attended the reception.

Turkish Minister of Environment and Urbanization Mr. İdris Güllüce (pronounced as Gulujee), Commander of Turkish Naval Forces Admiral Recep Bulent Bostanoğlu, Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey Mr. Naci Kuru, Deputy Chief of Turkish General Staff General Yaşar Güler were prominent among the guests attending.

Mr. İdris Güllüce in his speech said, “Turkey and Pakistan have had at all times close political, military, cultural, commercial and economic relations. We are so close that the language of Pakistan, Urdu comes from the Turkish word Ordu which means army.” He said bilateral relations are based on mutual benefit, trust and understanding. “On the other hand, the commercial and economic importance of Pakistan is steadily increasing,” Gulluce added.


