Introduction AdExperts Opportunity English Version

  • 10 years ago
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AdExperts Advertising Is The Best!! How I earned USD$6,000k In One Day

Reading the heading here you might have thought that I had gone crazy, but no. I wrote in this blog back in September 2013 that AdExperts is going to be an amazing venture for people who are interested in driving traffic to their businesses whether on-line or off-line and it is certainly turning out to be just that. Early days, however because myself and my teams have jumped into this while it is in soft launch we have already reaped the benefits of people looking at our businesses because of the advertising. I made a sale of an affiliate product on the Clicksure website in 2 days after my Advert was placed on the website. I have never done that before and am so impressed. With a 125 x 125 banner ad just costing a one time fee of $420 which you get back when you cycle through the cyclone funnel really makes this a no brainer!!! Then I earned $6,000k in just one day….

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In my first week after selling that product via someone clicking on my Advert, I also made back my initial $400 investment when I had move through the cyclone funnel because I had two people who I had personally referred

Only needing to have one of my personal referrals qualified (they have to personally refer two people) this pushed me into the Tornado funnel and back into the cyclone funnel which gave me another 125×125 Advert. This week I dropped through the Tornado funnel and made $7,000. I have been automatically re-entered into the Tornado funnel to go through the process again. A nice process to have earning $7,000 and $400 over and over without any out of pocket expense and receiving a 125 x 125 Advert every time to promote anything that I like. As one of my personal referrals followed me into the Tornado I made $1,000 on Wednesday 23rd October. I then awoke on Thursday 24th October and realised I had earned another $1,000 and before the end of Thursday just before midnight I earned another $5,000 in commissions as other people from different teams I do not know joined me in the Tornado funnel. So I have earned $7,400 in less than 30 days. To understand fully please see the corporate video above in this article.

We have been promoting this business with Live Google Hangouts which are recorded. Please see this channel for more those recordings.

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