Quick release clearomizer socket

  • 10 years ago
This is a homemade quick release socket for large-ish clearomizers. It's mounted on my Joyetech eVic. In the video, you can see me connect and disconnect an unmodified iClear 30 clearo without screwing it in or out. It's butt-ugly but it works :)

I made this socket because I like to switch flavors all the time, and I got tired of damaging the thread in my mods' 510 connectors. Those things are usually made of brass, which doesn't last very long unless you keep the same clearo screwed on all the time.

It's made with a Smoktech airflow controller that's been reamed to remove the threads in the top 510 socket, a small pill bottle, a coke bottle plastic cap, a miniature bungee cord and small zip-ties.