Controversial Foreign Babes In Bollywood

  • 10 years ago
Bollywood is one such industry, who has always welcomed foreign actors with open arms. However, models and actress from the west have often created much controversy in India, and are still famous for that. Check out the top 5 controversial foreign babes who have entered in Bollywood, and have created quite a ruckus here.
Sunny Leone
Sunny's grand entry into the so-called Bollywood industry is itself is a big controversial question and a subject which is open to discussion at any point of time. By means of her porn star image that is following her like a shadow even now, Sunny Leone came into the Bigg Boss house. The actress soon bagged Pooja Bhatt's 'Jism 2', but before the release of the film, she got knotted in several protests to ban the movie. Seems like she is and will be a controversy for people living in a cultural country like India!
Barbara Mori
Mexican actress Barbara Mori's Bollywood debut opposite Hrithik Roshan in 'Kites' caused a million heartbreaks. News of Hrithik having his extra-marital affair with this foreign babe Mori, have created a rift between him and his then wife Sussanne. Although Hrithik and Sussanne parted ways only now, Mori's name still pops up at the mention of Hrithik.
Sofia Hayat
British actor Sofia Hayat can be easily called as 'Controversy Queen'. After a debatable start in Bollywood, Sofia marked her entry in the controversial 'Bigg Boss' house, but unfortunately soon got evicted. However, the starlet turned down to stay away from controversy and lodged a complaint against co-contestant Armaan Kohli for 'physical assault'.
Veena Malik
Pakistani actress Veena Malik dished out a huge controversy after nude pictures of her were released in FHM magazine wearing nothing but an 'ISI' tattoo on her arm. If the pictures weren't questionable enough, Veena denied doing the bold photo shoot altogether and slapped a whooping amount of Rs 10 crore lawsuit against the magazine for morphing her images. FHM reportedly responded back with another whooping amount of Rs 25 crore lawsuit against the starlet and stressed that she had herself pursued the magazine for the nude photo shoot.
Another Pakistani actress Meera, who made her Bollywood debut with Mahesh Bhatt's 'Nazar', had fallout with her once mentor. Well, Meera's spate of controversies does not stop at this. She went public with her alleged relationship with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Akhtar and claimed that he slapped her in public once. Meera kept herself in the news after she called for media interactions to promote her upcoming films and went 'missing' from the same again and again. A court case was filed against her by director Ajay Yadav after she deserted him during the promotions of their movie 'Bhadaas'. So thus, she can be easily tagged as one of the controversial foreign babes who entered in Bollywood.