China demands satellite data over missing Malaysia jet

  • 10 years ago
Disbelief is perhaps the best word to sum up the Chinese media’s reaction to news that the missing Malaysia Airline jet has been declared as lost.

On the streets of Beijing, many people feel the Malaysian authorities are hiding the truth.

“I think the truth is still not very clear. We can’t just take what they say as truth. They should provide more thorough evidence. I think that from the beginning, there has been some neglect of duty in their handling of this,” said one man.

“I feel very angry, because colleagues around me and also friends have family members or friends abroad that plane. I don’t think we can be satisfied with Malaysia Airlines attitude,” said one woman in Beijing.

The statement of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak may end speculation that the plane had been hijacked and forced to land somewhere but in China, at least, it has clearly failed to quell relatives’ anger.