Leading Egyptian activist and blogger freed on bail

In Egypt, leading left-wing activist Alla Abdel Fattah has been freed on bail after more than a 100 days in custody. Fattah was released along with 24 other co-defendants pending trial at the beginning of April.

They are all charged with a protest last November and assaulting a police officer in the violence which followed. The demonstration violated a recently enacted anti-protest law imposed by Egypt’s interim government following the ousting of Islamist president Mohammed Morsi.

A prominent youth leader, Abdel Fattah is best known for his role in the 2011 uprising to topple Egypt’s president Hosni Mubarak.

Reporting from outside the court at Tora Prison euronews’ Mohammed Shaikhibrahim said: “Defence lawyers condemned the length of time the defendants were detained before going to trial. They said this went against articles of Egyptian law and violated individual freedoms.’‘