New object sighted as time runs out for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

  • 10 years ago
Mystery still surrounds Malaysia Airline flight MH370, which now been missing for two weeks; longer than any other commercial plane in modern history.

An object, which could be debris from the jet, has reportedly been spotted floating in the southern search area.

It is said to be around 120 km away from the region around 2,500 km south west of Perth, in which search efforts are currently focussed.

On Saturday Malaysia’s acting transport minister, Hishamuddin Hussein, announced China is following up the sighting.

Chinese authorities are expected to give further information in a statement on Saturday.

Hussein also gave an update on communications between the plane’s cockpit and the control tower.

“The transcript cannot be publicly released at this stage,” he announced. “I can, however, confirm that the transcript does not indicate anything abnormal. Preliminary investigations of the cargo manifest have not shown any link to anything that may have contributed to MH370’s disappearance.”

Several countries, including China, India and Pakistan, have now confirmed there have been no sightings of the plane on their radars.

Hussein told press search efforts would continue, despite challenging conditions in the waters south west of Perth. Teams scouring the area are said to be battling against rough seas, strong currents and are anticipating a tropical cyclone.

“I know that this rollercoaster has been incredibly hard for everyone, especially for the families,” he said. “We hope and pray this difficult search will be resolved and (will) bring closure to those whose relatives were on board”

People from 26 countries are involved in the search efforts.

There have been tense scenes in Beijing; the flight’s intended destination. Hussein appealed to all parties for their understanding.

But time is running out; the “black box” voice and data recorder only transmits an electronic signal for about 30 days before its battery stops working.
