Jackie Chan’s K-pop band JJCC debuts in Seoul

  • 10 years ago
JJCC may look like your average K-Pop boyband with their matching outfits, choreographed dance moves, inoffensive pop, and androgynous good looks, but they do have something which adds a little extra to their appeal.

And that is Jackie Chan.

He's taken time out from his action movies and humanitarian work to put together and train JJCC - short for Jackie Chan's Joint Culture.

He even ferries them around in his personal jet.

According to the marketing manager of the Jackie Chan Group, Shim Hyun-Ki, it's all part of a cunning plan.

SOUNDBITE: Marketing Manager of the Jackie Chan Group, Shim Hyun-Ki, saying (Korean):

"He is seen by the Chinese people as a living legend. I think this is the advantage we have when the band enters Chinese markets."

But how do the band feel about having such a big icon putting his name behind them?

SOUNDBITE: JJCC Member, Eddy, saying (Korean):

"It works both ways. It raises expectations but also increases
