Freefonix Episode 02 - Risky Music Business

  • 10 years ago
When Mantyz get kicked out of their apartment for not paying the rent, they decide to use Hitt's LosBosmosmian Psycho Roaches (his pets) to scare Freezbone out of the O and live there. Mo's parents have gone away for the weekend and, knowing that they can't stay in the O because the scare off is only temporary, Kurtz makes a sonic tag on Mo's parents' roof saying there is a party there. Everyone comes. They trick Mo into having a Crib Jam to get rid of the party people. Little does Mo know that in a Crib Jam, the winner takes the loser's crib (house) and Mo loses his parents' house to Mantyz.
Finally it's up to Freezbone to have a Crib Jam against Mantyz to win back Mo's home. However, if he loses, Mantyz win the O!