Confusion and lack of information add to relatives' frustration over missing Malaysian plane

  • 10 years ago
Conflicting statements are adding to the mystery of Malaysia Airlines’ missing jetliner.

A massive air and sea search – now into its fifth day – has failed to find any trace of the Boeing 777 with 239 people on board.

The plane had been one hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it vanished.

One theory is that it tried to turn back but Malaysia’s air force has now denied saying military radar tracked the jet hundreds of kilometres off course as far as the Straight of Malacca which runs along Malaysia’s west coast.

Earlier, it emerged two men travelling on stolen passports were Iranians with no apparent links to terrorist groups.

One Malaysia air traveler said he was being cautious over speculating what had happened to the plane – for the sake of the families.

“Actually for me I think that it’s quite a mystery because the plane suddenly disappeared like that with out trace. At the moment I can say just wait and see because we don’t want to spread false news because it can affect the families,” said Haizam from Serawak state in Malaysia.

Be it an accident or an act of terror, families of the victims are desperate to know what happened.

At Kuala Lumpur airport a wall of tributes to the missing is growing be the day.