Gunmen attack Pakistan court

  • 10 years ago

Gunmen burst into a court in a busy shopping area in the centre of the Pakistani capital on Monday, killing at least 11 people in a brazen attack likely to shatter any prospect of meaningful peace negotiations with Taliban insurgents.

A loud explosion reverberated across central Islamabad just after 9 a.m. (0400 GMT) followed by bursts of gunfire. Police said at least 30 were wounded. A judge was among those killed.

No one immediately claimed responsibility, but the attack is likely to show that the central Taliban leadership, which declared a month-long ceasefire over the weekend, is not fully in control of its operations.

Taliban fighters stage frequent attacks around the country, but such assaults are rare in Islamabad, the leafy and hilly seat of Pakistan's government.

Broken glass and human remains littered the site of the blast at the F8 market area as residents and police rushed around in bloodstained clothes.