Obama launches effort to help propel black, Hispanic young men

  • 10 years ago

President Barack Obama launched his "My Brother's Keeper" program on Thursday to help improve opportunities for boys from minority groups through programs that provide mentoring, better education, and violence prevention.

Obama, the first black U.S. president, cited statistics that show 86 percent of black boys and 82 percent of Hispanic boys read below proficiency levels in fourth grade, compared with 58 percent of white boys reading below such levels.

Disproportionate numbers of Latino and African American young men enter the U.S. criminal justice system as well and are more than six times as likely as white young men to be murdered, White House reports said.

Obama standing in front of teenage boys involved in a Chicago program for at-risk young men, shared experiences from his youth and poor choices he made while growing up without a father.

"I made bad choices. I got high without always thinking about the harm that it