Rival protest groups rally outside Crimean parliament

  • 10 years ago

Pro-Russia separatists and supporters of Ukraine's new leaders confronted each other on Wednesday (February 26) outside Crimea's regional parliament before a debate on the political upheaval that swept away President Viktor Yanukovich.

About 2,000 people, many of them ethnic Tatars who are the indigenous group on the Black Sea peninsula, converged on the parliament building to support the 'Euro-Maidan' movement which overturned Yanukovich in Kiev after three months of protests.

Ethnic Tatars rallied under the pale-blue flag of Crimea's Tartars, shouted "Ukraine! Ukraine!" and the Maidan's refrain of "down with the gang!"

The pro-Russian crowds, some of them cossacks in silk and lambswool hats, shouted back "Russia! Russia!".

They were met by several hundred pro-Russia demonstrators who bellowed loyalty to Moscow and denounced the "bandits" who had seized power in the Ukrainian capital.

The two sides, who were held a