• 10 years ago
Unigraphics NX-7.5- Video Training

Chapter 1

• Understand the need for the Sketcher environment.

• Start NX and create a new file in it.

• Invoke different NX Environments.

• Understand the need for datum planes.

• Create three fixed datum planes.

• Invoke the Sketcher environment.

• Use various drawing display tools.

• Understand different selection filters.

• Select and deselect objects.

Chapter 2

• Understand the concept of under-constrainted, fully-constrained, and

over-constrained sketches.

• Understand different types of geometric constraints .

• Configure settings for applying constraints automatically while sketching.

• Force additional geometric constraints to sketches.

• View and delete geometric constraints from sketches.

• Animate a fully-constrained sketch.

• Understand different types of dimensional constraints .

• Measure the distance value between the objects in a sketch.

• Measure the angle between the entities.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 3

• Edit sketches using the editing tools.

• Edit sketched entities by dragging.

• Convert sketches into base features by extruding and revolving.

• Hide and show the objects.

• Rotate the view of the model dynamically in 3D space.

• Change the view and display of the models.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 4

• Understand the usage of reference geometries in NX.

• Understand the different types of datum planes in NX.

• Create fixed and relative datum planes.

• Understand the usage of CSYS (coordinate system).

• Create coordinate systems using various methods.

• Understand the usage of the datum axis.

• Create datum axis using various methods.

• Use additional extrude and revolve options.

• Project existing elements on the current sketching plane.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 5

• Create hole features.

• Create groove features.

• Create slot features.

• Create chamfers.

• Create edge blends (fillets)

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 6

• Create the rectangular and circular arrays of a feature.

• Mirror selected features and bodies.

• Create sweep features.

• Use the Swept tool to create lofted features.

• Create tube features.

• Create threads.

• Convert solid features into hollow features.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 7

• Edit hole features.

• Edit the positioning of groove features.

• Edit the positioning of slot features.

• Edit the parameters of features.

• Edit the parameters of features with rollback.

• Reorder features.

• Create boss features.

• Create pocket features.

• Create pad features.

• Create draft features.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 8

• Start the Assembly environment in NX.

• Understand different types of assembly design approaches in NX.

• Understand the meaning and usage of assembly relations.

• Create assemblies using the Bottom-up assembly design approach.

• Modify assembly relations.

• Modify a component in the Assembly environment.

• Manipulate the components in the Assembly environment.

• Create a pattern of components in an assembly.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 9

• Create assemblies using the top-down assembly design approach.

• Create sub-assemblies.

• Check for interference and clearance between the components of an


• Create exploded views of an assembly.

• Modify the assembly constraints.

• Replace an assembly constraint from an assembly.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 10

• Create extrude, revolve, and sweep surfaces.

• Create the ruled surface.

• Create surfaces using the Through Curves and Through Curve Mesh tools.

• Create a surface by using four points.

• Create a swoop surface.

• Create a bounding plane surface.

• Create a transition surface.

• Create an N-sided surface.

• Create silhouette flange surface.

• Extend and create a surface by using the Law Extension method.

• Create uniform and variable surface offsets.

• Trim and extend a surface by using the Trim and Extend tools.

• Exercises & Projects.

Chapter 11

• Create curves from bodies.

• Create dart features.

• Create emboss sheet features.

• Create face blend features.

• Create soft blend features.

• Create fillet features.

• Create bridge features.

• Exercises & Projects.


