Security Council must 'act' on Syria says UN humanitarian chief Amos

UN humanitarian chief Baroness Amos has urged the UN Security Council to do more to protect Syrians.

Amos said the situation in Syria has got worse not better since the Security Council put out a presidential statement in October appealing for access to deliver aid.

“I told the Security Council that it is unacceptable that four months since the members of that council demanded action, international humanitarian law continues to be consistently and flagrantly violated by all parties of the conflict,” Amos told reporters.

Countries on the Security Council have so far failed to agree on a resolution over Syria. Amos believes a resolution could help.

Unites States ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, said it would have to be the right type of resolution.

“For us, given the gravity of the situation on the ground, better no resolution than a bad resolution. We are not interested in a resolution for resolution’s sake,” Power said.

One of the UN’s successes has been to negotiate a temporary ceasefire in Homs to get aid in and civilians out.

More than 1,400 people have been evacuated but Arnos says another quarter of a million still need to escape.