Littering Violation Ends with Man’s Genitals Being Tasered

  • 10 years ago
What started off as the issuing of a littering violation ended up with Daniel Johnson being wrestled to the ground and having his genitals tasered by the authorities.

What started off as the issuing of a littering violation ended up with Daniel Johnson being wrestled to the ground and having his genitals tasered by the authorities.

The incident happened in December of 2012, but 26-year-old Johnson just recently filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

According to the complaint, he was in the kitchen of his parents’ house when someone knocked on the door and told him his father was being ticketed.

When he inquired, Johnson was told by one of the two officers involved his father was being cited for littering, as he’d thrown a cigarette butt on the ground.

In the court documents, the father is noted to have nerve damage in his hands, which often causes him to drop things.

Johnson offered to pick the cigarette up in lieu of the thousand-dollar fine.

When Johnson began walking away, the other deputy on site is said to have grabbed him from behind and tried to force him against the patrol car.

Before long, he’d taken Johnson to the ground while the first officer began to tase his genitals, by some accounts as many as 10 times.

Johnson’s suit includes both civil rights violations and personal damages.



