Web News - Unrest in Bosnia

  • 10 years ago
In this edition: a week of unrest in Bosnia; the "Mispterz" movement, the self-described hipsters in hijabs; and four Americans in a pretty impressive juggling display…
Bosnia has been rocked by unrest for the past week. There have been unprecedented rallies across the country with demonstrators protesting against unemployment and poverty in Bosnia and the governments perceived inability to do anything to improve the situation. Social networkers have been sharing accounts online attesting to the building tensions.
They have been posting under the #BosniaSpring hashtag in reference to the Arab Spring revolutions, circulating amateur pictures and footage illustrating, amongst other things, how recent protests have descended into violent clashes with police. Groups of protesters also stormed and ransacked government buildings in various Bosnian cities over the weekend to vent their anger.
And demonstrators are now trying to convince the police to join them. This woman was filmed in Sarajevo on Sunday begging riot police officers deployed to the Bosnian capital to join the protest movement. The video appears to be proving inspirational to Bosnian web users as it has racked up over 21,000 views in just a few days.
And citizens are also using the web to openly voice their demands. In Prijedor for example, a growing number of government opponents have been taking to Facebook sharing their hopes and expectations for the future. There are all manner of posts but they are dominated by fighting corruption and the measures to be taken to get the Bosnian economy back on its feet.


They describe themselves as “Muslim hipster” women - and their “Mipsterz” movemen... Go on reading on our web site.

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