15 Weird Questions Tag

  • 10 years ago
Let me know what you thought and thanks so much for watching :)

1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
2. What's a weird habit of yours?
3. Do you have any weird phobias?
4. What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast && belt out when you're alone?
5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
6. What's one of your nervous habits?
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
8. What was your first stuffed animal && its name?
9. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at starbucks?
10. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice?
11. Which way do you face in the shower?
12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
13. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/food thats 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways?
14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
15. Time to sleep- what are you ACTUALLY wearing?

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