Robert Marucci kicked out of high school for racy gay photos

  • 10 years ago
An 18-year-old high school student at Cocoa High School in Cocoa, Florida, was kicked out of school after administrators learned he worked part-time in homosexual pornography. The incident received much attention and criticism and Robert Marucci was later allowed to resume his studies.

Marucci had been legally working in adult entertainment--in part to help support his mother financially--before classmates found images of him on, a gay porn website. He had been using the name 'Noel', but the images were unmistakably of the high schooler, and soon the images were sent around the school.

Marucci was bullied and eventually, the principal of the school, Dr. Stephanie Soliven, expelled him. In the official write-up, he was accused of being a disruption and having threatened to bring a weapon on campus. He denies ever having made such a threat. Marucci is also a good student, with no previous record of disruptive behavior.

Marucci's mother, Melyssa Lieb, who was aware of her son's after-school job, believes he was discriminated against for his alternative lifestyle.

In any case, Marucci's story received a significant amount of attention from the press, and subsequently, the school's decision came under attack. Dozens of the high school's students also staged a walkout during seventh period on Friday to rally support for their classmate.

School officials made an investigation into the case and ultimately decided to revoke the expulsion. Marucci will be able to resume his studies so that he may graduate with his class in May.

No word on what his future aspirations are post-graduation.


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