"Ring Of Fire" at the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan (海遊館)!

  • 10 years ago
The other day, during the Christmas holidays my family and I went to the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan (海遊館). It was a rainy and gloomy day just after Christmas, because it's an indoor theme park, the weather did not play a major role. The where quite a few people who had the same idea and armed with my new iPad air I gave it a good shot to document my journey into the deep sea. It was not the first time I went, intact the third time, but still a lot of fun. It's actually a magical place to visit on a rainy cold day, or any day for that matter, seeing that mysterious space, that we don't see so often, is magical.
Afterwards we had some small dinner at the nearby shopping mall and we drove home relaxed and in good spirits! I can highly recommend this place, its ranked amongst the largest public aquariums in the world!
