• 10 years ago
A Moment in Time with Contemporary Sculpture Peter DiePenBrock
Visual Instrumental
Shot on Epic Red 5K
Lomo Anamorphic Lenses
DP/Editor: Eric Latek

Diepenbrock is a sculptor and industrial designer with twenty-five years of experience turning personal visions into concrete realities. Works in the art of Tranversion, a term that the artist borrowed from the science of genetics. Whereas a transition mutation is a relatively straightforward affair, a transversion throws open the doors of possibility, utterly unpredictable and often furiously beautiful. It can be defined by one color, yet it contains all colors. It twists. It turns. It splashes about. The remarkable thing about Diepenbrock's design is its inexhaustible beauty and the endless number of ways it can be viewed and experienced. This is just a small moment of the efforts behind his work.
