Meet Goldie Blox Founder: Winner Of $4 Million 2014 Super Bowl Commercial


by IBTimes

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Bill Rancic on behalf of Intuit QuickBooks was there on Thursday to share the good news that Goldie Blox won the ‘Small Business Big Game Contest’. The prize: a 30 second Super Bowl Commercial, something that has never been offered to a small business, until now. Goldie Blox owner and CEO Debbie Sterling along with Bill Rancic sat down with IBTimesTV to discuss how her life, and her company will never be the same after Sunday night.

It’s expected that over 100 million people will be watching the Super Bowl on Sunday, and it is fair to say that her small business of 15 employees will grow after the amount of exposure they will get. Bill Rancic, one of the world’s most famous faces in the business industry was on hand to give his advice on how to cope with the pressure of sharing the stage with huge brands like Chrysler and Coca Cola.

Rancic knows better than anyone just how hard sudden fame can be, as he was propelled into the spotlight after winning Donald Trump’s ‘The Apprentice’ in 2004. Since then he has not stopped moving, or believing in the power of small business and the people behind it.

Debbie was humble in victory, and excited to share the world of Goldie Blox and hopefully inspire future generations of little girls to enter professional fields that involve science and math. Rancic believes the sky is limit to just how far this small business will in fact grow.