Ukraine protests not eased by Yanukovich pledge

  • 10 years ago

Ukrainians woke up to a ninth weekend of anti-government protests in the capital Kiev on Saturday (January 25), with demonstrators continuing to demand an end to the rule of President Viktor Yanukovich.

The protests, which began in November after Yanukovich spurned an association agreement with the European Union in favour of forging closer ties with Russia, are the biggest demonstrations since the 2004-5 Orange Revolution which denied Yanukovich his first bid at the presidency.

The demonstrations began peacefully in a central Kiev square two months ago, but have been broken up violently by police at times.

In the last week, protesters have set up barricades near Dynamo Kiev football stadium where they hurl Molotov cocktails at police and burn tyres.

Yanukovich, in what appeared to be an offer of concessions to the opposition, pledged on Friday (January 24) to reshuffle the government next week and to amend sweeping anti-p