Opposition calls on president to end Ukraine's crisis

  • 10 years ago
With smoke rising across Kiev's sky, protests are burning into the night.

After clashing with police all day, demonstrators set fire to barricades and marched to Independence Square.

That's where boxer-turned-politician Vitaly Klitschko told thousands he'd do "whatever it takes" to stop the bloodshed.


"I will do whatever it takes to avoid bloodshed and to find the resolution of this problem. Once again, I call on the President; I know that at these very seconds he is watching this live transmission. I know that you, Mr. President, have the authority to solve this problem. Snap elections will change the situation without bloodshed. And we will do everything to achieve that. Listen to the people, do not ignore them."

Three people have died in the ongoing chaos -- two from gunshot wounds.

Crisis talks with President Viktor Yanukovich on Wednesday failed to meet protesters' dem