Hollande visits First Lady Valerie Trierweiler in hospital

  • 10 years ago
It is another Black Friday for Francois Hollande.

A week after its first revelations, Closer magazine now says the French President has been having a relationship with an actress for two years.

There are claims about meetings at a second Parisian apartment as well as weekends spent together with Julie Gayet.

Unlike the president, not everyone in France believes it’s a strictly private matter.

“He is a public man,” said Benoit Faure, a customer at a Parisian newsstand where copies of the magazine were flying off the shelves.

“It is not his private life. It matters to the French and to the people in France to know what goes on and how he directs his life, yes, absolutely.”

“For me, he is a man, above all, so there could be things like that happening in his life,” said Ludivine Ormazala. “Right now, he represents France. It’s natural that it’s causing controversy. If it was another man, it would have gone unnoticed but he’s the president.”

As his alleged mistress Gayet denied rumours of a pregnancy, Hollande visited France’s First Lady in hospital for the first time.

Valerie Trierweiler was admitted a week ago after reportedly taking ‘one pill too many’ on learning of the revelations. Speaking to the French press, friends of Hollande’s long-time companion rejected
any suggestion that it was a suicide attempt.
