
  • 10 years ago - Lumpy Direct Mail Secrets | Lumpy Direct Mail Review

How You Too Can Use The Strategy Of 'Lumpy'
Direct Mail To Make Over $150 Profit
For Every Letter You Send.

Writing Cash-Sucking Direct Mail Pieces Using Plug-And-Play Templates

In this module I walk you through the creation of a mail campaign from start to finish.

I show you how to use strategic screen shots to immediately stop your prospect from what ever they were doing...

And get sucked into your direct mail letter.

Here is a sample of what's in this module:

The perfect 'grabber' to use in every mailer that stops the reader dead in their tracks -- This is the most crucial part... I'll even show you which gimmicks you can send that biz owners ALWAYS keep on their desk (keeping you on the top of their mind)
How to create a 'shock sheet' for each business that immediately gets their attention -- This is how I get 25-30% response rates on my mailers!
How to use simple 'screen shots' to scare biz owners into hiring you... In a frenzy!

Lumpy Direct Mail Secrets | Lumpy Direct Mail Review -

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