Fighting continues between Syria's disparate rebel groups

  • 10 years ago

Syrian state TV released these images on Friday...

Dozens of rebels reportedly killed by government forces in the western city of Homs.

But for over a week now, rebels have also been fighting a fierce battle on another front.

One against a rival rebel group affiliated with Al Qaeda.

This video posted online Friday, which Reuters can't verify, purports to show some of that fighting in Aleppo province.

The Al Qaeda affiliate is called the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant - or ISIL.

Led by foreign jihadists, it wants to establish an Islamist caliphate near the Iraqi border.

On Friday, fighting continued between the ISIL and rebel groups hoping to seize their strongholds.

The fighting comes two weeks before the planned renewal of peace talks, dubbed Geneva 2.

Several factions of Syria's disparate opposition groups met in Cordoba, Spain, on Friday, some for the first time.