The human face of the Egyptian uprising

  • 11 years ago
When Egyptian-American filmmaker Jehane Noujaim waded into Cairo's Tahrir Square to document the early rumblings of revolution, she knew from the begining the story behind her latest film, "The Square," had to be told.

SOUNDBITE: Jehane Noujaim, director, saying (English):

"When I got to the square there were people of all different backgrounds; men, women, different classes, religious, secular. And they were all there basically having a hand in the future of their lives and their country for the first time, expressing how they felt politically about the country, discussing its future, and it was just this magical environment, and I knew that I wanted to figure out how I wanted to make a film about this."

The film follows the lives of several participants in the mass protests, putting a human face on a movement that involved millions.

SOUNDBITE: Jehane Noujaim, director, saying (English):

"What we were watching was the beginnings of democracy, you know, if
