Pro-Mursi supporters clash with police across Egypt

  • 10 years ago

STORY: At least two Egyptian protesters were killed on Friday as supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood clashed with police in Cairo and in cities across the country, medical and security sources said, as defiance from the movement continues despite the ever-growing state crackdown against it.

Islamists opposed to the army's overthrow of President Mohamed Mursi of the Brotherhood have been holding daily demonstrations in Cairo and in other cities ever since the army-backed government declared the Brotherhood a terrorist group last month, in a move that upped the penalties for dissent.

One demonstrator was shot dead in the Suez Canal city of Ismailia after a march set off from a mosque after prayers, medical sources said.

In the rural province of Fayoum, southwest of Cairo, a protester died from a bullet wound to the head, a local Health Ministry official said.

At Cairo's Nasr City, a police vehicle could be seen colliding he