This was some old stuff on youtube I put up. It's not very good I know but this is my personal favorite dub I've done and I guess you'll like it too (I hope!)
the footage is taken from the bizzare 1960 Tetsujin 28 film (Aka Iron Man 28, Aka Gigantor.) which I enjoy for how odd (and unintentionally cute!) it is XD
Tetsujin 28 (c) Mitsuteru Yokoyama, Fred Ladd, Hikari Productions and Ladd enterprises
the footage is taken from the bizzare 1960 Tetsujin 28 film (Aka Iron Man 28, Aka Gigantor.) which I enjoy for how odd (and unintentionally cute!) it is XD
Tetsujin 28 (c) Mitsuteru Yokoyama, Fred Ladd, Hikari Productions and Ladd enterprises