UFO Hot Spots - Preview

  • 17 years ago
Show description from the History Channel:
UFO Files: UFO Hot Spots
For those who study the UFO phenomenon, "UFO Hot Spots" are places around the globe known for a long history of UFO sightings and reports. >From Brazil to Mexico, from Washington State to Florida, multiple witnesses, including air traffic controllers and even military personnel, confirm that something unexplained is repeatedly happening in the night sky. Tales of alien abductions, bizarre and chilling photographs of UFOs, and hours of videotape all abound as we search for UFO Hot Spots.

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Download part 1 (in .wmv format, 94 megs):

Download part 2 (in .wmv format, 80 megs)


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Download part 1
File Name: UFOFiles_UFO_Hot_Spots_part1.wmv
Size: 94MB | Description: UFO Files: UFO Hot Spots part 1

Download part 2
File Name: UFOFiles_UFO_Hot_Spots_part2.wmv
Size: 80MB | Description: UFO Files: UFO Hot Spots part 2

This film also shows a few quick images from the August 1990 UFO's that were filmed in Germany.
I uploaded the 10 minute video that here:
