Deadly blast at Egypt security site

  • 11 years ago
A huge explosion at a security building in northern Egypt kills at least 11 people and wounds more than 100.

Cars were burned out and the entire city of Mansoura turned to chaos as people rushed to hospitals to check on the victims.

The number of dead is expected to rise and people have been urged to donate blood to the wounded.

A security source says the blast was caused by a car bomb, but it is not clear if it was a suicide attack.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Tuesday's blast but state officials blame the violence on Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood party.

The attack comes a month before a vote on a new constitution, that's key to help the country transition from military-backed rule.

Attacks on Egypt's security forces and police have increased since the army removed democratically-elected President Mohammed Morsi in July.

His dramatic exit triggered mass protests in which hundreds of Islamist activists were killed and thousan