Stars offer their holiday greetings

  • 11 years ago

STORY: Stars offered up their seasonal messages as the holiday season approaches. Will Farrell and James McAvoy jokingly gave messages to their small group of fans. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Thompson, Colin Farrell, Jeremy Renner, Olivia Wilde, Psy and Jennifer Hudson kept it simple with "Merry Christmas" or "Happy holidays." Christina Applegate told people "Don't drink and drive, don't text and drive," while Steve Carell said "Hold those people closest to you and hold them dear." Veteran actor Dick van Dyke warned people "Do not run up your credit cards," while actress Angela Bassett proffered "Love somebodies and forgive somebody - just enjoy this moment that we all have together." Tom Hardy didn't really get into the festive spirit. Hardy, after giving a Christmas message, said "Sorry I sounded like Scrooge there. Christmas, what's that? Aren't you working? People should be working at Christmas."