Henning Kemner

by Henning Kemner

The evidence is clear.
America is asleep.
European countries would lynched them if no real evidence were provided for an eventually insidejob such as 911 was.
I was remodelling my house in Denmark, when my oldest Son yelled "Dad a plane crashed into a skyscaber" the first hour I was mesmorized.
When I saw the Pentagon incident it became VERY clear something was wrong here. There were absolute ZERO parts from a plane to be found.
Planes and crashes have always been a part of my growing up as an interest.
For the first time in the history of Aviation a plane crash with NO wreckage left.
Thats simply not possible at all.
At Lockerbie Scotland where a 747 on Christmas eve going to USA were blown up.
The plane were at a height of 10km 6,2mi feel over an area of 10km2 6,2mi2.
The entire plane were salvaged and brought to USA for forensics.
So how can a plane vanish at Pentagon? it simply cant!
A Boing 757 creating a hole in the Pentagons wall only 12feet wide another impossibility. A cruise missile most have been used.
NO Aircraft can fly 12feet of the ground with a speed of 400mph.
Due to ground effect the plane would been sucked to the ground with no possibility of gaining altitude. A jetfighter can barely do it but a Boing 757 can?

Regarding molten steel
Steel Carbon melts at 1425 - 1540C - 2600 - 2800F
et-A fuel (standard jet fuel type in U.S.) is 980 deg. Celsius
The WTC steel was tested by UL at 2000 C and retained it's specification.
Another important detail. WTC were brought down by man-power.
Well planned ahead.

Metals melting point