Japan State Secret Law is International Standard Violation

  • 11 年前
The Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito lead Japan to the way of fascism.
When it is dangerous now.
The world person attention!

"Tokutei Himitsu Hogo Ho"
Japanese prime minister, Abe decided the state secret method for enforcement in defiance of civic objection.
Abe, the prime minister begins preparations for war now.
Everybody.Please be careful about movement of Abe.
The State Secret Law is unconstitutionality.
And it is International Covenants on Human Rights, international free agreement violation.
20,000 Japanese protested it around the government.
Japanese TV, the mass media did not report a fact of this protest.

Vote in the Diet:
Agreement 182
Objection 82

The political party in favor of this abnormal law is the Liberal Democratic Party of the right wing and the New Komeito of the religion.

I conceal a state secret forever and, by this law, can delete the Japanese Government.
By the reason of a state secret, Abe can arrest a citizen freely.
At the trial, the secret contents are not shown either.
Japan received an atom bomb in Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
And Japan experienced the nuclear plant accident of Fukushima.
Japan is made to change in quality by discriminatory right wing political party now.

It is the web page of the Japanese protest group.

Japanese Parliament must reject new secrets bill

"Designated Secrets Bill"
Protest Statement

30 minutes long version:

