BBC Radio Lincolnshire_ William Wright speaking to Charlotte Childs re Flo 27Nov13

  • 11 years ago
RSPCA Lincoln Mid & Lincoln Branch

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Flo as we have named her was found abandoned, paralysed and whimpering. We got a call from some dog walkers with two dogs acting suspiciously; they threw a bag into the river. The dog walkers secured their dogs, returned and found this little girl, we were called and had two volunteers on the scene within minutes which was just as well as the vet advised she had taken a huge impact (probably a kick) to her lumbar. This sadly is common when someone wants to paralyse a dog and then return for it later and as they were caught by dog walkers we think this is what has happened. Flo is covered in scratches from suspected hare coursing and was exhausted which probably made her useless to them (the bag is thought to be dumped evidence and lots of rabbit/hare dead bodies were found nearby). Flo is currently at the vet undergoing treatment. She is on pain relief, fluids (a side effect of a massive kick to the lumbar is that it creates huge dehydration as it effects the kidneys) and muscle relaxant. The vet has advised if she hadn't have got to the vet within half an hour she wouldn't have survived. Strays normally have to be handled by the dog warden and they receive Government funding to manage them and kennel at Ingham. We don't receive any funds other than donations from people like you. It is rare we can step in as we simply can't afford to do this so please help us.

Her vet bill (as she was admitted out of hours and is in overnight) will be high.

Flo has been described at the vets as a "dear little girl". Someone has already come forward to offer her a home and a few have offered foster.

*In the unlikely event of any excess funds, these will go towards other animals in our care.