Three killed in crane collapse at World Cup stadium in Brazil

  • 11 years ago

STORY: At least three people were killed Wednesday when a construction crane collapsed at Sao Paulo's Corinthians stadium which is slated to host six World Cup matches, including a quarter-final and one of the semi-finals, Brazilian media reported.

The crane was outside the Itaquerao stadium when it suddenly collapsed, crashing into the side of the structure which is currently under construction as the city prepares to be a host of next summer's World Cup.

The exterior and part of the stands were damaged in the mishap which left at least three people dead according to military police and firefighters.

Rescue workers were immediately called into the area with a squad of vehicles and a rescue helicopter, but it was unclear how many people were injured in the accident.

The Corinthians Arena will be home to the local soccer team of the same name and is scheduled to host the opening match of the 2014 World Cup on June 12.