Europe is Back - Spinelli Debate

  • il y a 11 ans
Spinelli Debate - Bozar Brussels - 5 November 2013 - 20:00

with Spinelli MEPs Andrew Duff, Isabelle Durant, Sylvie Goulard, Jo Leinen, Guy Verhofstadt,and Maroš Šefčovič Vice-president and commissioner for inter-institutional relations and administration.

The unity of Europe is vital if global challenges are to be met and European values and interests promoted. But how should a more united Europe best be governed?

Executive authority is dispersed and democratic accountability weak. Expedient measures needed to address the financial and economic crisis have stretched the present EU treaties close to their limits. The Union’s system of governance must be reformed if it is to deliver much needed public goods at home and decisive leadership abroad. National parties and parliaments are failing to embrace the European dimension of politics.

The Spinelli Group of MEPs proposes a new constitutional architecture is hardly fit for purpose : A Fundamental Law of the European Union" published by Bertelsmann Stiftung. This proposal is a comprehensive revision of the Treaty of Lisbon. Replacing the existing treaties, it takes a major step towards a federal union. It turns the European Commission into a democratic constitutional government, in which the Commission initiates laws which are then enacted jointly by the Council, representing the states, and the European Parliament, representing the citizens.