Ég Sakna Ísland - Day Four: The last two girls on planet Earth

  • il y a 11 ans
My winter trip to Iceland with my sister (December 2009-January 2010).
My soundtrack is exclusively made of songs by Icelandic bands.
Day Four was on January 1st. We left Reykjavik very early to reach Jökulsárlón before sunset. There were only the two of us on the road! We stopped at Dyrhólæy, near Vik, but then we drove non stop and reached the icebergs right on time. Some seals were there to welcome us! For this fourth episode, I chose:
Björk, Hyperballad
Rökkurró, Hetjan á fjallinu
Seabear, I sing I swim
Lay Low, Brostinn Strengur
FM Belfast, Underwear
Thank you!
Watch Days Five and Six: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x198qhs_eg-sakna-island-day-five-bubbles-and-water-dust-day-six-come-to-me-moby-dick_travel