Imagination | Personal Transformation Empowerment Motivation | Understand Accept Master How You Are Wired

  • 11 years ago | 855.746.4267 | Answering your most important question - "How am I Wired". Once you understand accept and master how you are wired, success will follow.

Imagination is defined as the act of forming a mental picture of something that is not present to the sense or has never been completely perceived in reality. Every thing around us started as an idea stemming from someone's imagination.

Think about the computer, cell phone, bed, airplane, fork... no matter how insignificant or complex something may seem to you now, it started as an idea formed from an imagination.

Imagination is what allows us to have plan Bs for survival. We can imagine all sorts of scenarios and possibilities and then develop plans. Through discovery, we get ideas no matter how fantasy or reality based they are. Then through justification, we assemble objective evidence to formulate possibilities. Therefore, imagination not only creates ideas but also justifies them to allow action to be taken.

Imagination is what allows us to have plan Bs for survival. We can imagine all sorts of scenarios and possibilities and then develop plans. Through discovery, we get ideas no matter how fantasy or reality based they are. Then through justification, we assemble objective evidence to formulate possibilities. Therefore, imagination not only creates ideas but also justifies them to allow action to be taken.

Imagination contributes to knowledge growth through learning from mistakes. When we make mistakes and take a moment to reflect on what happened, we then begin to imagine what could have happened if we had taken a different action.

Sound familiar ...

I feel Like I 'm always running uphill.
I feel Like I 'm running against the wind.
Nobody understands me.
Why does it always take me longer than it should to do something?
Why do I always feel tired at the end of each day?
I dread waking up in the morning.
I dream about being somewhere else.
I hate my job.
I dream about doing something else.

If anything above sounded familiar to you, there is hope.

Also, visit Chris’s other projects… for more on how you are wired and how to thrive in 2014 and beyond. for more information on the Professional Practice Builders Society - the place to be for successful Practice Owners looking to skyrocket their practice in 2014 and beyond. for more information on The Empowered Transformations Inner Circle – the place to be for people who want to be empowered by a high-level inner-circle.

You can also…

Contact Chris M. Sprague at 855.746.4267
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