Rough Cut Film Review The Orphan Killer

  • 11 years ago
Boxblurb - "A new legendary Slasher is Born"

IMDB Summary from the production company -

The Orphan Killer is a tour de force murder flick that defies classification. It goes far beyond current trends in gore and breaks open a new suffering genre of horror. Marcus Miller is a serial murderer hellbent on teaching his estranged sister Audrey what it means to have family loyalty. His lessons are taught in massive doses of vulgar and unimaginable pain. Throughout her brutal torture we learn that Marcus is not the only Miller with Killer in the bloodline as Audrey proves to be a formidable adversary.

IMDB Plot Summary -

This film is about Audrey and her brother Marcus. When they were children their parents were killed by some burglars in a horrific break-in. So as a result they were sent to the Saint Michael's Orphanage. Soon after Audrey is adopted by the policeman who saved them. Marcus has been very violent (understandably) because of what happened when they were younger. He is left behind and made to wear a mask by the Nuns who work at the orphanage because of his destructive behavior. Flash forward and now Audrey herself works at the orphanage. But Marcus is hell bent on getting his revenge on those who he thinks treated him wrong. Nobody is safe, including his sister who he thinks abandoned him. Let the blood bath ensue.