A protest against violence in Yemen

  • 11 years ago

STORY: Protesters demonstrated on Saturday against Shi'ite Muslim Houthi rebels fighting in the north of Yemen and called for the government to reclaim power of Saada province.

Thousands marched through the streets of Sanaa and gathered outside President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's home after fighting erupted on Wednesday despite government mediation efforts to salvage a ceasefire in place for a year.

Also on Saturday, Shi'ite Muslim Houthi rebels pressed their offensive against a town in north Yemen held by their Sunni Muslim Salafi rivals, a Salafi spokesman said, bringing the total death toll in four days of sectarian clashes to 55.

Spokesman Serour al-Wadei denied a statement on the Yemeni defense ministry website saying that the fighting in the town of Damaj had ended on Friday (November 1) afternoon and that the Yemeni army had taken up positions in the troubled area.

The spokesman for the puritanical Sunni Muslim group
